(Thank you Lauri!!, and yes, I will be rhinestoning the corners of that D :) ) And lastly, thank you for having a big airport so my future husband can fly home....

This neighborhood also has the cuuuuuutest light poles... They look like they stole them out of a Christmas movie :) Yes, this will be right in front of our home!
Hopefully our home will look just like this when it's all done, except the orientation of the home will be the opposite (The garage will be on the left side)
Wish us luck!!!
plus Danielle...
plus a certain Tempe Town Lake bridge...
Plus a cute little red headed/amazing photographer equal?
To die for Engagement Pictures!!!!
Actually, I wish the equation looked a little more like this:
Chris + Danielle + TTL Bridge + Wonderful Photographer =
To die for Engagement Pictures - The Cop :)
Yes, in order to get those "To die for" engagement pictures, we had to go on to a certain railroad bridge (not the one pictured above) that was apparently still in service.... as we were leaving a cop came up behind us on his bike and said "What are you doing?!?". Kind of a obvious question, especially because we had a lady with a camera, and two dressed up people standing next to her. Cute little photographer told him we were taking engagement pictures, and then I flashed my smile and showed him my ring, and said "We're engaged!"
After giving us the "It's a class 5 felony" talk, he said congratulations and let us go... super nice guy!
Here's the good thing.... You only take engagement pictures once, which means we'll never need to use that railroad bridge again :)
Mike (Chris's brother) proposed to his new fiance Kate :) Obviously this is pre engagement (I stole the picture off of facebook)... Kate is rocking a pretty sweet ring and I can't wait to see pictures of it. So now two out of three Schulman's are engaged leaving Chris's little sis Jess... one more to go!
So now you know half of the reason Chris and I are so beautiful (just kidding)! Don't worry we have Moms too (and a brother and sister each). More to come soon!
I'm not going to lie, but we were a little intimidated... There were so many pieces!
And did you read the box? This processor holds 14 cups!! Lauri (Chris's mom) said it's so we can cook for the entire family when they come to visit, which I'm totally fine with! Thankfully I have all weekend to read the recipe book and watch the DVD that came with it. Thank you again Glenn and Lauri, we love it so much!
Then the magic happened. We had sat directly in front of the windows, looking out to Paradise Valley, and Chris said that we should get up and look at the window to get a better view. I was so full, and was like, that's okay, you go over there and I'll watch... lol ... Well, needless to say I got up, and Chris looked at me and said that we make a really good team (and I don't remember the rest because my heart was racing once I heard those words). Then the next thing I know, he's down on one knee asking me to marry him. I was in complete and total shock that I looked at him and said "are you sure?!?!?". He looked at me and said this isn't one of those questions I should answer with a question :) I never even said yes, and nodded my head instead because I was still in shock. Then came the waiter with two glasses of champagne and creme brulee!