Week 3:
Week 4: Week 5:
I know there wasn't much change with our lot, but it's fun to see how everything around our lot has changed in the last 6 weeks.... Just imagine how cool next month is going to look :)
Week 3:
Week 4: Week 5:
It was so exciting to walk around to find the layout of everything!
Here is our backyard... This is the first time we had really got to see the size of it. Our particular lot requires our house to be more towards the front, which makes our backyard bigger. It's still pretty small, but that just means less grass for Chris to mow :)
Hopefully we'll see framing soon!
May 21st is the tentative closing date.... As long as it's before the wedding, I don't care!!!
You definitely can't tell, but all the girls were holding each others dress's in the back because they were all at least a size 12....
Afterwards, we all went to Lindsey's house to have girl time and watch Miss America! This is Lindsey trying on my ring and taking a picture of it to put on Facebook... lol... I really hope she does it...
She also busted out a princess game that had rings for game pieces... I didn't need one because I already had one of my own :)
I love these girls and I am so grateful that they are just as excited about the big day as much as I am! I couldn't imagine spending it with anyone else :)
This part of the construction is called the "Rip and Soak" Phase.... hey, it's better than nothing!
Our neighbor's house is to the left, and we are on the right... looks like they are about a week ahead of us.
They had piles and piles of wood next to our lot... so I'm just going to say that it's ours!
This means in the next few weeks we should see some framing going up! It's crazy to think that in just a couple of weeks, this dirt is never going to see the light of day again...
I may be biased, but I have the prettiest bridesmaids!!
I was too scared to ask the guys for a picture (they were not happy), but I did get one of Chris's "Co" best man, Nick
Here is a picture of the entire group when we volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House
From left to right is Nicole, Aaron, Lindsey, Anthony, Nick (Chris's "Co" Best man), Jessica, Chris, and me. In addition, I will have my sister Monique (who will be my Maid of Honor), and Chris's Sister, Jessica (who I haven't gotten a official yes from yet because her card is still in the mail, but I'm not too worried :) ). Chris will have his brother Mike (who is Chris's other "Co" Best Man), and my brother AJ.
We're very honored and excited to have this group with us on our special day :)
Looks like the house behind us got a nice new coat of paint too :)
Hopefully next week we'll see something.... In other news, I've been a busy bee putting together save the dates.
They've been a lot of fun to make.. So much fun in fact, that Mr.Fiance tends to do this sometimes:
Yes, he takes naps on the floor because I have everything layed out on the couch :) More updates to come soon!
Also, here is a picture of the lot.... again... no changes, but notice the house in the background that had no framing the week before and now it has suddenly appeared.... that was fast!
I can't even imagine how excited we're going to be when we actually see something but dirt :)