Friday, December 31, 2010
Christmas, Atlanta

Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas, Arizona
Chris and I have never spent a Christmas together, so were both so excited (me a bit more than him) to finally see each other on Christmas day. I think we were both worried which family we were going to see on Christmas (again, me a bit more worried than him) because of course we didn’t want anyone’s feelings to get hurt...
Well, little did we know that Delta was going to decide that for us. I HATE DELTA AND WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER FLY WITH THEM AGAIN. The original plan was to spend Christmas with my family in the morning, and then fly to Georgia and be there in time for Christmas dinner. Two days before, Chris had gotten a automated message from Delta saying our flight was going to be delayed, and that we were now going to fly through Ohio to get to Atlanta (at the time there were several storms going through the East, and Atlanta was getting ready to receive their fair share). But really Delta?!?!?! Fly us through Ohio where the weather was already worse?!?!?!?! Needless to say, the automated message called us back the next day to tell us that flight had been canceled as well.
So now we were not going to get in to Georgia until the Monday after Christmas. Thank goodness I had planned for this by monitoring other airlines and their flights. AirTran saved the day, and we were able to book our last minute tickets with them to arrive early in the morning on Christmas. ***And as a side note... AirTran did not cancel any of their flights.....
Okay, I’m ready to stop ranting now.
So we cued the Video Camera (Aspeitia Tradition), the Mariah Carey Christmas music (another Aspetia Tradition), and the Santa Hat. It was still as much fun as it has always been every Christmas before, and my anxiety went away when Santa dropped of my new Ipad... Thanks Santa!
Everything worked out perfect and it was a nice start to our first Christmas :)