Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Separation Anxiety
March 28, 2010: Week 14
More to come soon!
Meet our Ring Bearer
March 21, 2010: Week 13
Recognize those two beautiful people? We didn't either :)
Anthony's Birthday
Doesn't fiancee look handsome?!?! Also, this is your first and only warning. At the wedding don't ask Aaron to take any pictures for you (he's the only blonde one in the above picture, and in the bridal party), because they turn out like this...
and this...
The night almost ended on a good note, until we got back on the train :( There was a crazy drunk on the train who I swear was on there purely to make us mad... then cops showed up to make sure everyone had purchased tickets, only to find out that we had the wrong tickets... so instead of giving us tickets (the kind the make you go to court), they made us get off the train (3 stops away from where we were supposed to get off) and purchase the right ticket while is was windy and cold outside.
All in all though, it was a good night :)
March 14, 2010: Week 12
She's coming along nicely... Maybe I should just reaname this the house blog :) We stopped by a few days later only to see this...
This trip provided us with our best sqeading moments yet :)
Food Tasting at the Castle
I was going through my camera, and all I could find were pictures of everyone laughing... Here is my sister Monique with my parents. We call her Mo, or now it's M.O.H. (maid of honor :) )
We were probably laughing at something she said... anything that comes out of her mouth is ridiculous. Anyways, this was how the food was...